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3 years in a cultural diversity background with Club Med

I was 33 when I decided to explore other countries, other ways of living, away from European culture. It was now or never. I wanted to learn everything my brains could take from cultural differences. And my first assignment was surely the most intense I ever lived: Egypt. By chance, I had started a passion a few years before, and I had read everything I could about ancient Egypt. However, when I got there, I realised there was certainly much to do if I wanted to get closer to my native colleagues. I started to learn Egyptian language, and began to understand a little bit of the conversations, not only through words, but also through body-language. What was not really easy also was that I was the only woman in the crew. But after a couple of months, my 2 closest Egyptian friends did anything they could to protect me, and to have me included in the Egyptian way of life. During the 5 months I lived in Egypt, in Luxor and in a cruise-ship on the Nile, my camera and my drawings were the only means to digest the pictures about ancient Egypt, but also the pictures about the cultural idendity of present Egypt. In a way, I had to express in a photograph or in a drawing, what my heart felt which was really too much... My camera was a way out to my feelings. In addition to my other cross cultural missions at Club Med, this one is - I think - the best example to show my ability to flexibility.

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